At Buynamics, we are proud to support Wakibi because it aligns perfectly with our values of empowering entrepreneurship. Specifically, we have chosen to direct our contributions towards supporting women entrepreneurs in Africa. Wakibi, a Dutch non-profit organization, provides microloans to entrepreneurs in developing countries, with a strong focus on helping those who need it most.
By supporting women in Africa, we aim to foster sustainable development and lift communities out of poverty. These women often face significant barriers, but with a microloan, they can start or grow their businesses, support their families, and contribute to their local economies. One loan doesn’t just help the entrepreneur; it has a ripple effect, improving the lives of families, employees, and the wider community. Education becomes accessible, healthcare becomes possible, and entire communities thrive.
What makes Wakibi’s approach even more powerful is that 98% of loans are repaid, allowing the same funds to be reinvested time and time. It’s a practical, sustainable solution to making a real impact, and we are proud to be a part of it.